The Parting With Virginity
Thick, long and happy
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Men on the sand, sand indoors
Wet men
Looking out, looking in
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
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Recalling the World Naked Bike Ride
I've been remiss in not posting more about the World Naked Bike Ride. With the polar vortex retreating back to the Arctic, maybe this is...
Down on the farm
Wiesel70 "Fields Road," by Fedya Ili "Fields Road," by Fedya Ili "Fields Road," by Fedya Ili Marcio Wille, by ...
First photos from London's Naked Bike Ride
The blog Publicly Nude has released the first batch of photos from Saturday's 2014 World Naked Bike Ride in London, with the promise o...
Where's Waldo?
Near Asheville in western North Carolina Location unknown, but this nudist has most of this photos taken in Georgia Near North Yorkshire, En...
Forest glades
Brighton's Naked Bike Ride
The first photos from the World Naked Bike Ride in Brighton & Hove, in the United Kingdom, have arrived. Brighton, a city along the sout...
Yes, they're back!
There have been a lot of nice photos from men at World Naked Bike Rides this season, but I had missed seeing pictures from two guys who are ...
War fever
The tensions in Europe continue to build. By July 14, 1914, the hope for a pacific resolution of the crisis was diminishing. Austria-Hungary...
Shed those clothes! It's skinny-dipping season
Wayne at the Joshua Tree National Park in California, photo by Glenn Cannon Photo by Luces de Bengala Photo by Eduardo Bravin Flickr/Sasha K...
Blog Archive
Thick, long and happy
Men on the sand, sand indoors
Wet men
Looking out, looking in
Nude in the tube
There's nothing better than naked on the beach
The great outdoors
Stuff and such
Floored: naked men on the ground
Last chance for snow?
Run hard, be strong, think big!
A summer afternoon in a hammock
Men don't have to be a model to be lovely
Weekend miscellany
Snow on the rails
From the photographer's studio
Wait! Just hold it right there!
All those in favor? The eyes have it
Sun and ice
Song of myself
One more mountain to climb
OMG! They killed Matthew!
Friends but not lovers
The gay character in 'Downton Abbey'
Water, water everywhere and a man for every drop
'Your body is built for walking'
Odds 'n' ends for the weekend
Living outdoors naked
Lighter moments
Hitting the showers
When society crumbles
The happy bicycle rider
Simpler times
Good fences make good neighbors
Englishman strips for charity
Stark reality
Naked but for purple beads
The scenery is grand
Peace at home, peace in the world
The sun shines warmer at home
One load at a time
Out of the blue
World's most prolific streaker ends his streak
Don't be shy!
What's cooking?
Happy times
Snow day
Take off your clothes--snow is coming!
The artist's brush
Naked in the railroad yard
Idyll on the forest floor
Exhibiting one's wares
The artist's craft
Whatever comes to mind
Naked men watching the Super Bowl
Do your nude snow sprints now lest spring be nigh
Finding treasures on the beach
A spot of balmy weather would be nice right now
My favorite streaker
Song and body
A state of peace